FleurComGroup wants YOU!
FleurComGroup Career Opportunities
Account Coordinator
Full time, competitive entry salary.
Join the high-energy creative FleurComGroup team! Work with news media and social media influencers. Exciting projects include major regional events, national culinary tour, national personalities and concert entertainment.
Required: Newswriting, social media & research skills; knowledge of how newsrooms work; phone skills. Seeking a professional committed to seeing assignments to their completion. This is a career-level opportunity. Winning attributes: eager to learn; likes to put new skills into action; and dedicated to excel, grow and contribute.
FleurComGroup is a boutique marketing communications firm with local, regional and national clients, based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Visit www.FleurComGroup.com on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @FleurComGroupPR
CONTACT: Send resume and writing samples to cynthia@fleurcomgroup.com
Join the high-energy FleurComGroup team! Interns are respected members of the team and gain hands-on career skills. Opportunities for employment.
Preferred but not required: Newswriting [news releases] and snappy phone skills. Social Media. Research and social media skills important. Winning attributes: Eager to learn, contribute and participate. Interns receive an expense allowance. Visit www.FleurComGroup.com, on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @FleurComGroupPR
CONTACT: info@fleurcomgroup.com